Flirtic Blog

  • What NOT to Wear on a First Date
    August 08, 2011

    1) Anything you’d wear to bed, the car wash or the gym
    Yes, there are dates that call for T-shirts and jeans. (Bowling, anyone?) But unless you’re waxing pickup trucks as part of a charity car wash during your date, avoid jean shorts, your disintegrating Chucks and your favorite threadbare T-shirt. This also goes for “lingerie-inspired tops” (nobody’s buying that) or anything terrycloth/bedazzled across the butt. It’s not to say that these things don’t have a place, but there’s nothing worse than feeling under-dressed if spontaneous plans take you someplace where flip-flops would be frowned upon.

    2) Something you’d wear to a wedding
    This isn’t a hard and fast rule, and if you know you’re going someplace where it’s appropriate, it can be fine. But be sure to do your research — say you meet a guy at a tapas bar you’ve never been to, thinking it’s the perfect excuse to get another wear out of that silk cocktail dress. But when you arrive, you realize it’s more of a taco joint than a tapas place — and everybody else is wearing hoodies and jeans. Do your recon work, check online reviews of the place, and ask around before you overdress.
    3) Shoes that make you walk like a jacked-up stripper with bunions
    Always make sure you can actually get around on your wheels before your take them for a spin. This doesn’t just go for high heels — this goes for pinchy flats or just-a-bit-too-big sandals that you bought online that make you endlessly flat-tire yourself. What if he suggests an après meal gelato and you end up having to walk eight blocks to get there? Your feet might well be bloody stumps by that time. Bloody stumps: not hot.

    4) Any article of clothing that unzips, slips or bursts open unexpectedly
    Yes, this seems like a no-brainer, but we all have that skirt that breaks hearts but occasionally unzips of its own accord. Anything strapless? Probably not a good idea either. Because you will spend all evening hiking up that tube top. Do yourself a favor and jettison it from your first-date arsenal completely.

    5) Anything you haven’t worn before
    It’s incredibly tempting to just run to Anthropologie after work to buy something off the rack because you suddenly hate what you wore to the office. But you have no way of knowing if this dress has a loose button, or if there’s some ridiculous ruffle you didn’t notice, or if when you sit it suddenly reveals the tops of your upper thighs. Stick with something you’ve road tested.

    Your best bet: Think of the date like a job interview: You want to look like yourself, but even better (if that’s possible). Find out where you’re working (eating, drinking, bowling) and dress for yourself, but crank it up a little. And if he shows up for the date dressed in frayed cargo shorts, well, maybe you didn’t really want to go to try that fancy hotel bar (or see him again) anyway.

    Original post on (Huffpost Women), by Lemondrop Staff.